Relaxin All Cool

That adorably apathetic face, that pleasantly chill attitude -- without doing much, Rilakkuma lazes his way into the hearts of many. The first time I saw San-X's signature bear in person, I couldn't help but gush and want to hold his hand.

Like Rilakkuma, I prefer to relax about in my own little world, that's why being commissioned to make him was a perfect fit.

To document the joy I had in creating him, I penned a story for your enjoyment : )

It was a glorious afternoon, so Rilakkuma grabbed his pail, and headed outdoors.

 He came across a lovely patch of flowers, and decided to hang out with them for a while.

Satisfied with his all his new flower friends had to offer, Rilakkuma said his goodbyes...

And returned home to relax with a tasty hamburger.
